10 Things Good Softball Players and Good Employees Have in Common

good softball players - employees

I never understood why athletes get dismissed from job opportunities because they have “no work experience.”  I didn’t have a “real job” where I filled out tax forms and all that until after I was done playing softball.  Many employers seemed to look down on me because I had no “work experience” even though I had over a decade of experience in athletics.  Each time I got that vibe from an employer, the same thing ran through my mind, “I probably have more of the qualities that make a good employee than some of the candidates on your list that DO have a little part-time work experience under their belt, but have never played sports in their lives.”

Turns out I was right.  My employers often expressed how impressed they were with the kind of employee I was even though I hadn’t been in the workforce long.  I strongly believe the qualities that make me a good employee came from and were solidified by the training in my softball playing years.  Turns out, you really do learn valuable life lessons in sports!

Here are 10 Things Good Softball Players and Good Employees Have in Common

  1. They know how to work well with others.
  2. They don’t care if something is “not my job” if it has to be done, they find a way to help get it done!
  3. They are the kind of person that others WANT to work with.
  4. They understand the concept of working toward a common goal.
  5. They know how to overcome adversity.  They don’t just give up all hope each time a challenge or obstacle comes up.
  6. They take responsibility for their own performance instead of waiting for someone to make them strive for excellence.
  7. They are capable of thinking on their feet and handle unexpected issues.  They don’t wait for someone to baby sit them through their every move.
  8. They typically arrive early, not just “on time,” and are very rarely, if ever, late.  If they are going to be late, they conscientiously make sure their superior knows what’s going on before they were expected to arrive.
  9. They diligently work on their craft and their effort is second to none.
  10. They have a positive, can-do attitude!

What do you think?  Agree or disagree?

I think we can probably add even more to this list!  If you have suggestions, please leave a comment with your ideas below.  🙂


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