Short and Sweet: 3 Lessons on Coaching and Sports Parenting

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I’ve gone through some MAJOR challenges and tests of will and patience these last few months. From those challenges, I have a few thoughts to share with you…

1. NEVER abuse your power as a coach. This is simply inexcusable! If you’re reading my emails, there’s a very good chance that you coach for the right reasons and the best of intentions. Just make sure you keep it that way 😉

Also, PLEASE keep your eye out for those who may be a danger to our players and children. It’s not something we talk about often, but you and I both know, things that shouldn’t happen DO happen. Please keep your eyes open and don’t be afraid to take some kind of action at the first sign of inappropriate behavior so we can protect the kids!

2. Parents: if you are uncomfortable with a coach for whatever reason (even if you are unsure why), something just doesn’t feel right…TRUST YOUR GUT. You have that feeling for a reason. Don’t ignore it.

3. Never sacrifice integrity for athletic achievement. EVER.

Whew! Pretty heavy for a first blog post of the year, but things I felt need to be said. Don’t learn these lessons the hard way 😉



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