Yes! I have a new e-book in the works. In my last e-book, I shared 50 Softball Coaching Tips. In this e-book, I have 42 pages of softball coaching lessons learned written up. I’m still finalizing the info inside so it may end up even longer than that! Either way, it’s full of things I’ve learned, sometimes through observation, sometimes through experience, and other times I learned things the hard way.
Soon, you’ll be able to dive into my experiences, thoughts, and lessons learned. Where relevant, I also include some drills here and there throughout the book. In addition, I’m putting together a little BONUS pack of 10 drills you can use in practice.
Truthfully, the BONUS is what’s taking time to finish up! But, I want this to be as useful for you as possible. So, as usual, I will let you know when it’s good and ready. I want to make sure you get the best, so I won’t rush it. Just know that I’m working on it and I promise I’ll share it with you as soon as I possibly can 🙂
It’ll make for some great summer reading as you think back over this season and begin pondering improvements for next season. This e-book can help you create a more solid plan for the future plus make your life easier by, hopefully, helping you avoid some of the lessons I had to learn the hard way!
Anyway, stay tuned! If you haven’t signed up for my mailing list for the latest news and announcements, you can do so HERE. Happy training!