Arizona Pitcher Suffers Concussion – Kenzie Fowler

arizona softball concussionI know concussions do occur in softball, but how on earth does this situation happen?  Was this one of those cases where the ball was hit sharp into the dugout?


A University of Arizona softball pitcher has suffered a concussion after being struck by a foul ball during Sunday’s game against Washington.

Kenzie Fowler, a sophomore, was struck in the bottom of the third inning, with UA player Nicole Bryan at bat. She was taken to a hospital as a precautionary measure and was released Sunday evening.

Read the full story here

Comments 2

  • Concussions are not uncommon in softball let anlone any sport it doesnt even take an actual head blow for a minor concussion to occur which are still very fatal injuries that cause perminent brain injuries. I played for 10 plus years and a concussion injury with prolonged symptoms over years  is what ultimately ended my career. No head injury should be looked at as no big deal anything from a collision over a pop fly to even divng into a base and snapping ones neck back can cause concussions and inciddnets like these are extemely common. Just wanted to help peoples insight into the world of players and concussions that is unfortunately over looked.

  • concussions can be dangerous that is why you always need to have some x-ray or cat scans to make sure that it does not have some complications..

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