We live in a society that loses its ever loving mind if a kid dares swear at a coach.
We have some choice words and opinions about that kid (and sometimes about their parents too).
But when a coach, who is in a position of leadership and power, not to mention in possession of more maturity and life experience, is out there on the sideline dropping f-bombs AT 7-8yos, barely a word is said.
Coaches, we need to do better.
Parents and organizations involved with these coaches, we need to do better too.
Look, if my 8yo ever throws an f-bomb at you, you let me know and I’ll handle it.
But I expect that respect to go both ways and for that respect to be DEMONSTRATED by leadership first and foremost. That way all athletes involved can further develop that positive character trait through their experience with any given coach.
It’s crazy to me how often really good coaches are hassled, discouraged, or otherwise pushed out by parents and fans while coaches who win at all costs (including costs paid by our kids) are, not only allowed to behave in practically any manner they wish, but often celebrated for it >.<
Let’s change that.