I’ve shared these over on Facebook and wanted to put them together in a bit of a collection here. In no particular order here are 9 thoughts for this fine Tuesday …
If we want our kids to be able to set personal drama aside for the benefit of the team, adults must be willing to do the same.
Not everyone wants you to succeed. But that’s their problem. Don’t let it become yours.
When adults in youth sports fail to conduct themselves as adults, our kids are the ones who pay the price. Let’s do better.
There will always be “talk.”
You mess up, people will talk cr@p.
You do good, people still talk cr@p.Keep your eyes on your own paper. Their “talk” is irrelevant to your work, your focus, your direction, your effort, your mindset. Let ’em talk. Let ’em be distracted by drama. You work. You keep moving toward your goals because talk is cheap. You’re the one that’s gonna end up with the hard work pays off.
Be willing to teach the basic, fundamental
concepts they need to know. Don’t assume that
someone else has already done it for you.Also, if you find yourself needing to teach something you
thought your athlete(s) would already know,
don’t act like it’s not your job or, worse, treat
vour athlete(s) like it’s somehow their fault no
one took the time to walk them through it yet.
Meet them where they are and work with them
from there.
I’m a firm believer that hard work pays off … ALWAYS …
But that doesn’t mean it will always pay off in the form of playing time, winning, stats, achievements, accolades, etc.
And still, I believe that YOU are always worth the work and effort that you invest into what you do, into yourself, and into your growth, development, and journey.
Every . single . time, without fail, you’re worth it.
Even when the path is unclear, keep working!
We need to stop assuming and start communication. Assumptions create problems and misunderstandings where there needn’t be any.
During the game, no one else can go out there and make plays, get hits, score runs, or get outs for you …
Not the coaches, not your parents, not your biggest fans, and certainly not your haters.
Ultimately, you and your teammates are the ones with the power to make it happen. Stay focused on what matters. Play together.
Elevate each other!
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