You know what else combats self doubt?

The other day I wrote a post about combatting self doubt consistently.
If you have seen it yet, you can read it here.

But you know what else combats self doubt?
Doing ONE thing that moves you toward your goal every single day.
Do ONE thing that helps build, develop, or strengthen something (a skill, a project, a success habit, etc) that will be worth having down the road.

Especially if you’ve been feeling stuck,
especially if your goals are starting to feel impossible,
especially if you’re falling into self doubt …

Focus on taking ONE small step to move yourself closer to your goals today.
And then make a commitment to do it again, and again, and again.
Make a commitment to yourself to do ONE thing each and every day.

Once that gets easier and easier to do, you can go bigger, you can do more.
But to get started, to get out of a funk, to pull yourself out of self doubt, it’s okay to start small.

And of course, don’t forget what we said in the other post … remember to recognize, and celebrate, what you’ve done today.

If you need help developing this habit, the Stack Your Wins Journal is the one you’re looking for.

It will take you through the process of choosing ONE thing to DO each and every day.
It will take you through the process of celebrating what you DID DO each and every day.
It will help build your confidence alone the way.
It will help eliminate self doubt along the way.
It will help you STRENGTHEN this success habit each and every day which, in and of itself, is doing ONE thing to develop something that is worth having down the road.

Grab your journal HERE

stack your wins softball journal - get it here

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